Mike Davies
Public Works Director
225 East D Street
Gering, NE 69341
Phone: (308) 436.6800
Email: mdavies@gering.org
Service and Support
Start, Stop or Transfer Sewer Service
To start, discontinue sewer service or request a transfer of service call the Gering Utility office at (308) 436-6800, Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. You will need to be prepared to provide the service address, the billing address, a phone number and the start or end date for the service.
Sewer Lines and Homeowner’s Responsibility
The City of Gering is responsible for maintaining and replacing the sewer mains throughout our service area. The customer is responsible for the sewer line from the home to the sewer main, including the tap at the main. All sewer line repairs shall be completed by a licensed plumber.
Sewage is backing up into my house, who should I call or what should I do
We recommend you first contact the City of Gering during normal working hours at 436-6800, after hours call 436-5088. City staff will assess the backup to determine if the blockage is in the public sewer line or the property owner’s private sewer line. The city will clear blockages that occur in the public sewer line, if the plug is in your private line, you will be responsible for calling a plumber.
We recommend you first contact our 24-hour line at 281-275-2450. We will assess the backup to determine if the blockage is in the public sewer line or the property owner’s private sewer lateral. The city will clear blockages that occur in the public sewer line and if it is on your private lines, you would be responsible for calling out a plumber.
What causes a sewer to backup
Most sewer backups occur because the line is plugged with grease, tree roots, or a combination of grease and tree roots. Backups are also caused by paper or small articles of clothing, a sag (or belly) in the line or a sewer lateral.
Never place anything in the system other than bathroom tissue. Products like paper towels, baby wipes, rags and other products labeled “flushable” frequently cause backups because they do not breakdown like bathroom tissue. Please do not flush these items down the toilet.
The City of Gering does not have any construction projects budgeted at this time. A planned construction of a disinfection basin budgeted for the Gering Wastewater Treatment Plant has been put on hold until the City receives our Wastewater Discharge Permit renewal from the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality.
Future planned construction projects consist of rehabilitation or replacement of aging sanitary sewer lines and manholes in the area between M Street & U Street from 5th to 15th Street.